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Ban Ing Nam Health Resort & Ιαματική πηγή

Posted by on November 3, 2011

In the Shade of the Purity

A place you never expect to leave. Μπαν IngNamis μια αύξηση της θερμοκρασίας, φροντίδα επαγγελματική θέρετρο ευεξίας και spa για όποιον ασχολείται με την ευημερία και την εκμάθηση πώς να φροντίσουν τον εαυτό του. Μόνο μια μικρή απόσταση fromBangkokto Pakkred, Νονταμπούρι, you will be found of a various series programmes for guests with particular health needs such as Relaxation, Fitness, Weight management, Managing Diabetes, High Blood Pressure Control, Cholesterol Control, Cardiovascular and physical knowledge under a controlled environment matched by their intuitive insight into your every need. 6 herbal rooms, 3 garden view bungalows and 2 luxurious Lotus Bungalows are designed for a perfect ideal comfort balance with a unique Thai and western design.

Τοποθεσία & Room Types

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