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Πλαίσιο Wiman Beach

Posted by on August 14, 2012

Paragliding along a Light Breeze and Viewing the Bend of the Watercourse

On a day with clear skies, ο άνεμος φυσάει μέτρια, κύματα που σκάνε στα βράχια της Khung Wiman Beach, Είναι μια μεγάλη στιγμή για να επιπλέουν πάνω από τη θάλασσα για τα πολύχρωμα φτερά engineless ενός αλεξίπτωτου. Open your eyes to a new point of view with paragliding.

The Khung Wiman beachfront area, besides being known for its long curved beach, it also has a two lane street that runs along the beach’s length thought to be the most beautiful of eastern Thailand. There is also an area in which the mountain slopes into the sea creating beautiful scenery and calming atmosphere.

It is shaded by a variety of beach vegetation; such as, beach sea-oak. Moreover, the breeziness of this location is highly suitable for paragliding because the activity depends upon the headwind and the warmer land surface air temperature to lift you off the ground. Also the spacious field will allow you to set up your parachute above your head while the high cliff helps block strong gusts of wind before you run into the head wind and launch. Under the parachute, over the sand, see the narrow curves of the bay and the view of the pines along with the emerald sea sparkling in the sun. To your side you can see the green mountains and admire them while being cooled by the breeze as if you were in a land of happiness.

Travel Info
From Chanthaburi town, take Highway 3 (Chanthaburi–Rayong) and continue on Highway 3399 until you reach the beach. However, you need to contact the Thaiglider Club for an appointment.
GPS Location
N12° 36.31’, E101° 52.46’
Thaiglider Club +66 2895 8879
TAT Rayong Office +66 3865 5420 να 1 , +66 3866 4585

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