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Pileh Ko Χονγκ

Posted by on October 23, 2011

The ldeal Lagoon for Canoeists

Ko Hong features one in the ten best beaches of the world. The lagoon is located to the North of the island, fronted by a fertile shallow water coral reef, perfect for scuba diving. Rocks are found not far from the reef, as a prime dive site to the view soft corals. The lagoon is the best site for canoeing through narrow gorge at the entrance into a vast body of water inside.

Καλύτερη εποχή για να επισκεφθείτε : Αργά Νοέμβριος-Απρίλης

Best period of day : 10.00 να 14.00 ώρες.

Πώς να πάτε εκεί : Board a boat at Ao Nang, Mueang Περιφέρεια, Laemsak or Khuan O Boat Landings in Ao Luk District, for a trip of about one and one and a half hour respectively. The boat can be hired at 2,500 – 3,500 baht την ημέρα

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