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poda νησί

Posted by on October 23, 2011

Beautiful Beach,Clear Water-an ldyllic Venue for Sea-Lovers

PodaIslandis a major isle with the finest beach in the atolls in front of Ao Nang, not far from Thalae Whaek-theDividedSea. The charms of this idyllic isle lie in the crystal clear seawater and the white fine sand, perfect for sunbathing and swimming at ease. At low tide, a vast sand dune emerges in the front. This is therefore an idyllic venue for sea-lovers from all corners of the world to immerse in the best impressions of their lives.

Καλύτερη εποχή για να επισκεφθείτε : Αργά Νοέμβριος-Απρίλης

Καλύτερη περίοδο της ημέρας : 8.00 να 15.00 ώρες.

Πώς να πάτε εκεί : From Ao Nang, there are long-tailed boats in service to Poda lslands all day long. A round trip costs 300 baht each, for a trip of about half an hour. Boats can also be hired exclusively at 2,200 bath

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