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River Kwai Resotel

Posted by on November 3, 2011

By the Magic river

Where the forest meets the bank of the River Kwai, όπου ηρεμία συναντά την άνεση. Είναι ένα must που πρέπει να διερευνηθούν και να ανακαλυφθεί από εσάς. River Kwai Resotel προσφέρει ιδιωτικά καταλύματα. Μόνο 60 χιλιόμετρα από την πόλη Καντσαναμπούρι, you will be surrounded by the mountains while facing a high cliff just opposite your eyes. 56 chalets and 81 twin and double-bedrooms are fully equipped with standard facilities and in-room amenities. Personalized service is provided for guests to create an unforgettable experience. Recreational activities are plenty to stun: swimming pool, elephant riding, fishing, canoeing and mountain biking toLawaCave.

Τοποθεσία & Room Types


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