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γραπτό μήνυμα

Posted by on October 18, 2011

The hidden giant

TAK PROVINCE. A weekend at Thi Lo Su may make you come
home drained of energy, but with piles of spectacular photos and
fun memories.

Visitors must steel themselves right from the start. The ‘Sky Highway
1090’ winds from Mae Sot to Umphang through a mountainous region
inhabited by hill tribes. Its 1,219 sharp curves, zigzagging through
lush, forested landscapes, have churned many stomachs. After four
ώρες, visitors arrive in Umphang, the biggest district in Thailand,
sharing a 180 km border with Myanmar. It used to be inhabited solely
by the Karen people, prior to Thais moving in from the North. Now, it
is a hub of accommodation and tour operators organizing trips to the
majestic Thi Lo Su Waterfall.

Thi Lo Su is beautiful in her many guises. During the rainy season,
visitors will be awed by the sight of an endless line of mighty water
crashing down 300 m onto the rocks below. In the dry season, the
gigantic waterfall spanning 500 m turns into numerous small cascades
separated by mossed rocks and trees, making it appear as a
patchwork of verdant gardens.

Thi Lo Su is the star of the Wildlife Sanctuary, but its sister waterfall,
Thi Lo Cho, should not be missed. To fully explore the area, a three-day
tour is recommended. A typical programme will combine rafting on the
Mae Klong River; visits to Thi Lo Su and Thi Lo Cho Falls; some trekking;
and, upon request, stays in Karen villages, and total forest immersion
via elephant back. However, it should be noted that the likelihood of
seeing large animals during any of these activities is low. Also, trekkers
should bring mosquito repellant and antimalarial medication

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