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جزیره نگای

Posted by on October 23, 2011

The Dream lsland for SeaLovers

The island in theAndamanSeasurrounded by deep green water, contrasting with long white sand beach and coconut grove. The island is fronted by the beach, opening out to the sea on the East. Interestingly, the island is in the jurisdiction ofKrabiProvince, but it is most accessible from Pak Meng Beach of Trang Province.

بهترین زمان برای بازدید : Late November to April

بهترین دوره از روز : 10.00 به 15.00 ساعت.

چگونه برای رسیدن به آنجا : From Lanta laland ,a passenger boat to Ngai lsland is available, costing 450-500 baht each or an speed boat at 650 baht each, Provided only during the high season from November to May. And fromPakMengBeach, Sikao District, boat can be hired to Ko Ngai at 1,200-1,500 baht per trip.

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