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投稿者 10月に 14, 2011

Taking in the Fine Views through the Cavement’s Windows at the Ghost Cliff of Karos

The Karos mountain range is rich with mangrove forests along the brooks in the limestone hills, with cavities of various sizes that can be looked through like windows, making wondrous perspective created by nature. There is evidence of pre-historic humans residing in the valley, and these could have been their lookouts thousands of years ago.

Best time kto visit : 一年中, but the best period is Novenber to May

その日のベスト期間 : In the first half of the morning when a view can be obtained through the window channel with ambient light

そこに着く方法 : From the Khuan O Boat Landing, take a trip of about 20 minutes on a long-tailed boat.
