The Lasting Memory of the Setting Sun and the Impressive Lighthouse
The far end of Ko Lanta Yai, 島の西にビーチ沿いに位置ofLantaIslandsNational公園です. この時点で, 海に突き出た点との間に双子のベイには、互いの中に美しく湾曲しています, topped by an old lighthouse which in the evening glow as the sun is setting in the sea, makes a lasting memory in your mind, as another page in the travel journal.
Best time to view : 4月下旬〜11月
その日のベスト期間 : 18.00 に 19.00 時間.
そこに着く方法: FromKrabiTown, use Highway No.4 past Khlong Thom District up to the intersection to Ko Lanta Pier on Highway No.4206 and take the ferry to Lanta Yai lsland with the beach road on the West up to the end at the tip of Laem Tanod.