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핫 스트림 폭포

게시자: on October 23, 2011

The Miraculous Warm Current of Yung Bridge

A current in the peat forest of Sapan Yung in Khlong Thom District, which is unique as it occurs at the corrugated earth surface that emits heat into the flow above, making up the warm current in the forest, with large and small ponds formed along the way, before cascading over a cliff, becoming the unique Hot Stream waterfall in Thailand that flows down to a cold current down below.

가장 좋은 시간은 방문 : 5 월 11 월 하순

오늘의 베스트 기간 : 아침 6.00 에 9.00 시간. 대낮, 15.00 에 17.00 시간.

거기에 도착하는 방법 :Follow Highway No.4 from Krabi toKhlongThomDistrict, and turn left into Highway No.4038 before turning right into Highway No.4021 and take the right turn into the Hot Stream Waterfall, for an entire distance of 45 km.

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