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라이 클리프

게시자: on October 23, 2011

A World-Class Challenge for Enthusiastic Rock Climbers

Ao Rai Le is another significant bay ofKrabiProvincein terms of tourism. The white fine sand beach for relaxation is on West Rai Le Bay, while East Rai Le Bay is lined with rock climbing shops and famous training sites, as it is one of the most breathtaking rock climbing sites of the world. This is a great challenge and a chance to display your ardor and adventurism.

가장 좋은 시간은 방문 : 1월에 11 월 하순

오늘의 베스트 기간 : 더 강렬한 열을 오전과 오후

거기에 도착하는 방법 : 크라비 타운,use Highways No.4034 and 4204 to the Ban Nam Mao lntersection and turn right into Ao Nam Mao,before taking long-tailed boat to Rai Le East beach.


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