A Rare Flora that Symbolizes Krabi Province
The most beautiful among Lady’s slippers found in the rain forest or in crevices on coastal rock cliffs on theAndamanSea, especially around Phuket, Phang-Nga and Krabi, now rarely found in nature. But today you are ensured of the chance to admire the beauty of Lueang Krabi Lady’s Slippers Orchid, the symbolic flower of the province, at the Rice Research Center of Krabi Province.
Geriausias laikas aplankyti : All through the year
Geriausias laikotarpis dieną : 9.00 į 10.30 val. ir 15.00 į 16.30 val.
Kaip ten patekti : Iš Krabi miesto, follow Highway No.4 up to Nuea Khlong District,the Rice Research center of Krabi Province is located 2 Kilometers further on the right