The Only Rock Sculpture in Fowl-Head Form in Thailand
Ko Kai orDamHokDamKhwanIslandis the origin of Thalae Whaek, theDividedSea, an Unseen site known around the world. To the South of the island, there is an amazing natural rock sculpture. The rock in fowl-head form with prominent beaks protruding when viewed from an appropriate angle. Ko Dam Hok Dam Khwan is the body of the fowl crouching in the water. The name Ko Kai, theFowlIslandthus came about.
भ्रमणको लागि उत्तम समय : All year round, but the best period is late November to May
दिनको सर्वश्रेष्ठ अवधि : In the morning, when the wind and the waves are quieter than in the afternoon. The sea turns deep blue after 9.00 hrs.
त्यहाँ कसरी पुग्ने : From Ao Nang, long-tailed boats are in service toPodaIsland all day long, a round trip costs 300 baht each. Boats can also be exclusively hired at 2,200 bath a day