Kano gjennom Tham Lod

The Superb Canoeing Experience through Krabi Sea Caves

Tham Lod Nuea, Tham Lod Tai, i Ao Luk-distriktet, Krabi-provinsen, blir sett på som gruppen av de vakreste havgrottene som noensinne er oppdaget i Krabi, med fantastiske trekk dannet av stalaktitter og stalagmitter som lar eventyrere styre kanoene sine gjennom svingete passasjer i en spennende atmosfære. Det er absolutt den vakreste kanoturen gjennom mangroveskogen i Krabi.

Beste tid å reise : Late november til januar

Best periode av dagen : Morgen og ettermiddag uten intens varme

Hvordan komme seg dit: Avstanden fra Ao Luk kryss til Ban Tham Suea er 5 kilometer, med skilt som peker mot 2 brygger, Bo Tho og Ton Kham, begge omtrent 2 kilometer lenger. Kanopadling kan tas fra begge bryggene, men distansen fra Ton Kham Pier er større.

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The Big-Skull Devil Cave

Mysterious Traces of Prehistoric Humans in Cave Paintings

Among prehistoric cave paintings found scattering on the cliffs and caves of Krabi Province, those found within Tham Phi Hua To, the Big-Scull Devil Cave, Ban Bo Tho, Tambon Ao Luk Tai, are regarded the most extensive, about one hundred in total, presumed to date back 2,000 3,000 years. All these pose more questions about the traces of humans in the prehistoric wall paintings.

Beste tid å reise : Lete November to May

Best periode av dagen : Morgen. 8.30 til 10.00 timer. afternoon 15.00 til 17.00 timer.

Hvordan komme seg dit : From Ao Luk lnter section in front of the District Office, travel 5 kilometers to Ban Tham Suea, where there are sihns to 2 boat landings, Bo Thoand Ton Kham, both at 2 kilometer lenger. A boat trip of 10-20 minutes takes you to Phi Hua To Cave.

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Sputtering vann ved håndklapp

Where Your Clapping Can Link With the Earth’s Force Underground

Nam Phut Propmue is a small pool with simple appearance in Ban Tham Suea, Tambon Ao Luk Tai, located in an area pleasant with peat forest and currents. At close range, several sputtering water can be found, with pressure that can be felt by hands. When you clap loudly, the sputtering water gains force, but the water is cool, not from geothermal force as seen elsewhere.

Beste tid å reise : All through the year

Best periode av dagen : Morning and late afternoon cemetery (Gastropod Fossil)from early to late afternoon.

Hvordan komme seg dit : From Ao Luk District area,use the shortcut Ban Ao Luk Tai-Pak Khlong Marui, a distance of 7 kilometer,to Ben Tham Sua,turning right and the site is 1 kilometer further.

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Hot Spring Beach

A Miraculous Natural Spa on the Beach

Each month, at the peak of low tide, the Hot Spring beach caused by geothermal heat over the vast beach emerges in the morning. This natural spa is where local residents brought local wisdom in Thai massage into heated steam bath on bamboo bed. Foot spa can be done by putting the feet in warm water or in warm mud.

Beste tid å reise : All through the year

Best periode av dagen : Morning of high tide period, the 12th day of kthe waxing or waning moon to the 6th day of the new moon.

Hvordan komme seg dit : Board the boat at Ban Ton Makham Pier, Tambon Ao Luk Nuea, about 10 kilometers from Ao Luk District, for a 10-minute trip.

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Khlang Cave

The Best of Asia’s Beautiful Caves

The most spectacular cave in Ao Luk District of Krabi Province, with unique characteristics. From the land cave, visitors can trek to another side and back through the adjacent twin cave. The beautiful stalagmites and stalactites can only be found in the land cave, through the 13 cavities of about 1,200 meters deep.

Beste tid å reise : All through the year

Best periode av dagen : All day long, but a guide is needed as the cave system is quite extensive and complicated and the unitiated can easily get lost.

Hvordan komme seg dit : From Ao Luk lntersection, follow Highway No. 4 towards Krabi province for about 4 kilometers and take the right turn in fromt if Ban Nai Yuan Khaek School for another 2 kilometer.

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