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Coma citar Khanp

Postado por on October 23, 2011

The Symbol of the Town on the Shortest River in Thailand

The mountains as the symbol of Krabi, stand on both sides of theKrabiRiver, rich in mangrove forests. It is the most photographed site in the province. A monument to sea crabs has been built on the quay, as a lookout point. Taking cruise to Khao KhanapNam, there is also a cave, with models of prehistoric dwellers and important color cave paintings.

Melhor época para visitar : Todo o ano, mas o melhor período é final de novembro a maio

Melhor período do dia : Morning 6.00 para 9.00 hrs. Afternoon, 15.00 para 17.00 hrs.

Como chegar lá : The cruising boat can be boarded at Chao Fa Boat Landing. O barco pode ser contratado em 500 baht per hour.

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