Author Archives: админ
Пьер Тха Пхра Чан
The lively area of Tha Phra Chan used to be the palace of Prince Prachak Silpakom. Along Maha Rat and Phra Chan Roads surrounding Wat Maha that is the biggest amulet market in Bangkok where an array of amulets stands are found.
Университет Таммасат
Formally known as “Thammasat Lae Kan Mueang University” (Moral and Political Sciences). Established in 1934, this university is the second modern university in Thailand. In the beginning, the university offered only courses in law and political economy. Later, the university was developed to have wider fields of study and the name was shortened to “Thammasat … продолжить чтение
Wat Mahathat
One of the most significant religious places on Rattanakosin Island. First built in the Ayutthaya Period (1350-1967) it became more and more important in the Rattanakosin Era. In King Rama I’s reign (1782-1809), the temple was the residence of the patriarch. In King Rama V’s reign (1868-1910), it was the place where the Royal … продолжить чтение
Пирс Tha Chang
Tha Chang (слон пирс) был построен во времена правления короля Рамы I (1782-1809). В прошлом, слоны из Большого дворца были доставлены в этой области, чтобы принять ванну. В настоящий момент, Тха Чанг имеет паромную пристань, с рядом розничных магазинов и рынка. At the corner of the Tha Chang … продолжить чтение
Silpakorn университет
The leading Thai university in fine arts, archaeology, and many other faculties. Established in 1943 by Italian born art professor Corrado Feroci. In the reign of King Rama I, (1782-1809) the area of Silpakorn University was the site of three palaces.