Rezort Kaomailanna

The Wellness of Symphony

Possibly the only place in Chiang Mai city, where the tobacco farms and curing barns have been converted into a peaceful garden. This idyllic setting of two storeys and thirty-six guestrooms are decorated in recognition of their character and unique history. Furnishings have been designed exclusively for each room along with individual interior décor offset by colonial style antique furniture. As the new dawn’s sun rises over the horizon, enjoy a walk in the early morning and breath in the crisp, cool air of theNorthern Ghats. Suggested popular activities include strolling through the tropical surroundings on an elephant, visiting the heights of Doi Inthanon, and shopping for artistic wares at the Tawai handicraft village.

Room Types & Promotion..

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Doi Pha Klong

A geological feast

PHRAE PROVINCE. Doi Pha Klong National Park may not be the greenest place to visit. Those that do will not be protected from the sun by a lush canopy, and their skin will become sticky from humidity. The geography here is comprised mostly of limestone and dry evergreen forests of thorny trees with small leaves. They combine to create a curiously beautiful landscape, the charm of Doi Pha Klong.


On arrival at the park headquarters, especially in the early morning or late afternoon, visitors will be greeted by a cacophony of bird calls. There is a 1.2-km nature trail along which to explore the flora and fauna of the dry evergreen forest. The beginning of the trail, paved with concrete blocks, boasts oddly, but naturally, sculpted trees with entangling vines. Along the trail as a whole, the most predominant plant species is the firework-shaped Dracaena sp.


Although the trail is short, trekkers are mercilessly exposed to the sun. The
informative and friendly rangers therefore warn visitors to take lots of water
before setting out on the trek. The climb can be tough at some points, with
sharp-edged rocks, but the path is well-defined, including intervals of wooden steps. After a good measure of sweating, one finally arrives at Hin Pakarang, a large, wondrously-shaped limestone hill peppered with bright green shrubs.

The Park encompasses an area of 125 km2, covering a diverse range of
geography and activities. About 60 km from the headquarters lies Kaeng
Luang, a series of rapids in the Yom River. These provide a 10-km
rafting route, though the river is best experienced in November or December.


Visitors can also stop over at Erawan Cave to enjoy the stalagmites and
stalactites, including those resembling a mythical three-headed elephant,
from which the cave takes its name. Opportunities also exist to rappel down
a 70-m cliff. To arrange an adventure trip, contact the Park headquarters

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Doi Phu Kha

Botanist’s paradise

NAN PROVINCE. Doi Phu Kha National Park is a great
destination for those wanting to combine laid-back relaxation
with moderate exploration of nature. Visitors will notice that the
landscape has been groomed and altered to receive guests. That
said, it does not mean they will not get a high dose of nature within
the Park.


Beginning with the journey up the mountain from Pua district,
visitors will see that large patches of forest on the slope of the hills
have been turned into fruit orchards, namely for lychee. The sight
may not be the best introduction, but on arrival in the Park area, it is
a relief to find that most of its forest remains intact.
Take time to view the exhibition in the Visitor Centre. Here, guests
will learn that besides the star attraction, Chomphu Phu Kha
flowers, there is also a chance to see a living fossil, Caryota gigas.
Also known as Hahn ex Hodel, or Tao Rang Yak in Thai, this giant
palm has a height of 40 m and is endemic to the area. The Park also
offers the possibility of spotting a myriad of wild animals, ranging from
rare birds (the most remarkable one being Sitta formosa) deer, a
gibbons to bears, wild elephants, or even tigers.

Something for Everyone
For those content with lovely strolls through the woods, there are two nature trails near the Park headquarters to enjoy. The small trail is 2 km long; the longer one is 4 km, both winding through a forest of Kesiya, or three-needled, pine, whose fallen needles provide a soft brown carpet over the paths as they lead to Chomphu Phu Kha and Tao Rang Yak groves. The trails are sufficiently well-defined, but the Park recommends visitors be accompanied by a ranger. Trekking should be avoided during the rainy season, as leeches are quite brutal.

Doi Phu Kha offers other activities the whole year round. From August
to December, the river Nam Wa, with its 20 rapids, provides good
rafting (contact the Visitor Centre to arrange a trip). Bird and butterfly
lovers should visit between November and June. During February and
March, the forest will be tinted with the pink blossoms of Chomphu
Phu Kha. There are also a number of caves and waterfalls that can be
explored from October to May.

For more sedentary travellers, the Park provides comfortable and
aesthetically pleasing accommodation. The smallest options are
made from old carts and bamboo, with thatched roofs. Bigger
bungalows perch on a small hill to enjoy a panoramic view of
the mountain range. Alternatively, a tent can be pitched in the
campground to enjoy stargazing. To wrap up the day, the Park also
provides a pavilion to observe the sunset over the hill-lined horizon.

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Doi Chiang Dao

Strážnej duchovia Chiang

Chiang Mai PROVINCIA. Chiang Dao bola v médiách
výslnie v priebehu 2003, kedy vláda prišla s
plán na builzd lanovkou na vrchol zvýšiť cestovný ruch. Návrh
stretla s nebývalým a rozšírenému protestu z oboch miestnych obyvateľov a
ekologickí aktivisti. našťastie, Plán nebol vykonaný.
Doi Chiang Dao (Pod Chiang Dao Wildlife Sanctuary starostlivosť) je
Tretí najvyšší vrchol, a jediné miesto, kde sub-alpské
ekosystém možno nájsť v Thajsku. Jeho výška je 2,225 m nm
hladina mora, Vďaka dramatický vzostup na obzore pri pohľade na
vstupujúci do okres od hlavnej cesty 107. V tvare podkovy
pohoria, ktoré tvoria časť je domovom viac než
340 druhov voľne žijúcich živočíchov, z ktorých niektoré 206 sú vtáky, vrátane
takmer zaniknutý Humeova bažant (Symaticus na zemi, nájsť iba
u nás i vo Pai). To je tiež jediný domov na svete novo
objavili orchidea Sirindhornia pulchella, rovnako ako približne
110 ďalšie druhy orchideí.

Doi Chiang Dao tiež organizuje duchovný význam pre ľudí
Chiang Mai. Hora je považovaný za príbytok Chao
Luang Kham daeng, duch ctený všetkými duchov a strašidiel. tam
Sú dva spôsoby, ako sa dostať na vrchol Doi Luang Chiang Dao – v
Wua chodník a Deň Ya Khat chodník.

The Mountain of the Gods
Východiská dvoch trailsare o 30 minúty a 1 hodinu jazdy od sídla, príslušne. K dispozícii sú kempy na oboch trasách, ale ten druhý je dlhšia, prudšie, a tým odvážnejšie. Obe chodníky zbiehajú v polovici kopca, a ďalšie štyri hodiny chôdze povedie k Mae Salung, posledný kemp pred vrchol. Z kempu Mae Salung, konečnej 45 minút stúpania (225 m skaliská, vápenec chodník) Je potrebné sa dostať na veternom vrchole, kde neexistuje žiadny zdroj vody, ale veľa kvetov.

Trekkers normálne stráviť dve noci pred týmto smerom nadol
chodník späť do centrály, a musia poskytovať svoje vlastné stany, jedlo,
a voda na celú cestu.

Je potrebné zdôrazniť, že Chiang Dao Wildlife Sanctuary je venovaná
striktne k ochrane; cestovného ruchu je na druhom mieste na programe dňa. to je
Preto Sanctuary je otvorená pre turistiku len od 1. novembra
do 31. marca, a je vhodný iba pre vysoko obetavú povahu
milovníci. Pre ostatné stále chcú, aby si pohľad na svojej kráse, tam
sa nachádza 2 km náučný chodník, na úpätí hory, prístupná po celý rok
kolo. Žiadny sprievodca je potreba, ale počas obdobia dažďov, je cesta
často zakryté vysokej trávy.


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Ko Phai Atoll

Miraculous View of a fried-Egg Island in the Andaman Sea that Really Exists

A fantastic island in the shape of a fried egg. Surrounded by white sand beaches and floating in a deep blue lagoon, comprisingPhaiIslandin the middle, with the steep rock cliff ofYungIslandto the West, and the bed of rocks in shallow blue water to the South forming a rich coral reef with diverse types of live corals. Looking from the air,PhaiIslandis prominent as a perfect fried egg.

Najlepší čas na návštevu : December to January, on the day of clear sky with no haze

Najlepší denná doba : 10.00 na 14.00 hod.

Ako sa tam dostať : Helicopters on hire are available fromPhuketInternationalAirport

For Addition Details, Can be obtained at Skydance Helicopters Tel. 08-178-2700

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