Living in a Museum
Once the cradle of world explorations and geographical discoveries, Имрӯз Ananda Осорхонаи порузан Hotel меҳмонон даъват ба омӯхтани ва кашф намудани дилрабоӣ рафънопазир аз Сукхотаи - сабки меъмории муосир аз ҷамъоварии хусусии ceramics Осиё-сола знакомств бозгашт ба давраи Сукхотаи.
Дар 34 rooms offering full amenities are surrounded by the scent of the ancient, total well-being and serenity, individual pavilions and stone-sculpted patios.
A true pleasure, a visual feast of designs, and talented professionals who have created an unforgettable hospitality style inThailand. Travel into the city from the hotel is only 5 minutes away and 15 minutes to theSukhothaiHistoricalPark.
макон & Намудҳои Room..