brauzer belgisi
ning xavfsiz versiyasidan foydalanmoqdasiz veb-brauzeringiz. Brauzeringizni yangilang!
Eskirgan brauzerdan foydalanish kompyuteringizni xavfli qiladi. Xavfsizroq uchun, tezroq, yanada yoqimli foydalanuvchi tajribasi, Iltimos, brauzeringizni bugun yangilang yoki yangiroq brauzerni sinab ko'ring.

Bangkokda piyoda sayohat

Ministry of Defence

Originally, it was the palace which King Rama I commanded to construct for his three sons. The present three-storeyed building of Western architectural style was constructed in 1882. The upper gable is decorated with cement molding and gilded with a Ratchawallop signet. The front yard is filled with ancient artilleries lying in rows.

Toifalar: Bangkokda piyoda sayohat | Teglar: | Fikrlar oʻchirilgan yoqilgan Ministry of Defence

Khlong Khu Mueang Doem (Khlong Lot)

Khlong Khu Mueang Doem is the official name of the inner city moat which was dug in the Thon Buri Period (a short period from 1767 to 1782 having King Taksin the Great as the only ruler). The inner city moats are found in the area of both the eastern and western sides of theO'qishni davom ettiring »

Toifalar: Bangkokda piyoda sayohat | Teglar: | Fikrlar oʻchirilgan yoqilgan Khlong Khu Mueang Doem (Khlong Lot)

City Pillar Shrine

According to the ancient Thai traditions for building a city, the pillar of the city must be buried in the most important area for keeping the spirits of the city. The original pillar was made from Chaiyaphruek wood covered with sandal wood and contains the horoscope circle of the city inside.  

Toifalar: Bangkokda piyoda sayohat | Teglar: | Fikrlar oʻchirilgan yoqilgan City Pillar Shrine