Hok means lifting or converting. The platform of this wooden bridge can be lifted up like a Dutch bridge for boat traffic. This type of bridge was first built in the late past of King Rama IV’s reign (1851-1868).
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ning xavfsiz versiyasidan foydalanmoqdasiz veb-brauzeringiz. Brauzeringizni yangilang!
Eskirgan brauzerdan foydalanish kompyuteringizni xavfli qiladi. Xavfsizroq uchun, tezroq, yanada yoqimli foydalanuvchi tajribasi, Iltimos, brauzeringizni bugun yangilang yoki yangiroq brauzerni sinab ko'ring.
Tailand sayohatlari bo'yicha sayohati |
Hok means lifting or converting. The platform of this wooden bridge can be lifted up like a Dutch bridge for boat traffic. This type of bridge was first built in the late past of King Rama IV’s reign (1851-1868).