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Reflections Rooms in Bangkok

Posted by on November 3, 2011

A Chic Break

Welcome to the Reflections Rooms inBangkok, the ultra-modern hotel at the forefront of a design revolution, where each room is a stellar example of shining imagination and creativity. The individual Reflections Rooms promote a special spirit and beauty as captured by the 28 different artists who designed the diverseness of the rooms. Whether your goal is to connect with the energy and buzz of the capital or to retreat into the serene quiet of our magical world, Reflections Rooms is by far the hippest and most unique choice in the heart ofBangkok. Add a friendly and engaged staff, a full range of spa services, tour offerings, a funky, hip restaurant and piano bar and you have an unparalleled experience for contemporary travelers. 28 studios and superior rooms located 3 short minutes from the Sky train, a bus station, short distance to the world famous Chatuchak Weekend Market andSiam Square.

Manzil & Room


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