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Tagged With: Kanchanaburi

River Kwai Resotel

By the Magic river Where the forest meets the bank of the River Kwai, where serenity meets comfort. It is a must to be explored and discovered by you. River Kwai Resotel offers private accommodation. Only 60 kilometers from Kanchanaburi city, you will be surrounded by the mountains while facing a high cliff just oppositeO'qishni davom ettiring »

Toifalar: Kanchanaburi mehmonxonasi, Ko'rilmagan jannat mehmonxonasi | Teglar: | Fikrlar oʻchirilgan yoqilgan River Kwai Resotel

Ban Huay Ulong

Philosophy and The off-road zone Staying in touch with purity, adventure and forest’s charm quietly says something about “Ban Huay Ulong”. For those who would like to escape from the hectic modern life to experience a synthesis of wildlife and forest splendour, the 31-room simple-living-styles with a green touch of nature are set deep inO'qishni davom ettiring »

Toifalar: Kanchanaburi mehmonxonasi, Ko'rilmagan jannat mehmonxonasi | Teglar: | Fikrlar oʻchirilgan yoqilgan Ban Huay Ulong