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هین مونگ, هین دانگ
One in the Ten Best Dive Sites of the World The beauty of the underwater world made up of plenty of red soft coral and red sea fan coral on underwater rock cliff about 60 meters high. Not far away is Hin Muang, the Purple Rock, with underwater cliff of 200 meters long, where numerous … ادامه مطلب
برای آوردن ساحل
The Superb Beauty of the Ko Lanta Beaches Ko Lanta Yai is known as anislandofKrabiwith several beautiful beaches along the western side of the island, all open out to theAndamanSea. All these beaches are perfect for relaxing and swimming. But the most beautiful beach is Ba Kan Tiang Beach, over 1 kilometer long as the … ادامه مطلب
جزایر سال
The Fascinations of the Beaches of Twin lslands in the Sea Comprise two identical islands – Ko Rok Nai or the Inner Ko Rok is located to the South, and Ko Rok Nok, the Outer Ko Rok to the North. Both islands feature white sand beaches in the midst of bright green lagoon to the … ادامه مطلب
The Lanta Old Town Community
The Old Way of a Perfect New Life The charm of Ko Lanta lies in the beachfront on the West with several fine beaches from the North tip of the island to the Southern tip. On the contrary, the Eastern side of the island which lacks fine beaches is lined with original settlements and sea … ادامه مطلب
پارو زدن سنگ کلیف از Karos
The wondrous rock erosion in the form of a huge scull. Cruising along the canal to theKarosMountainstakes one through diverse tourist attractions Viewed in the morning, the shadowy scull appears like a sad devil, while in the afternoon, with direct light, the scull looks like a smiling devil. Also, in the neighboring cliff, ghost-masks appear … ادامه مطلب