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Czaszki Kamień Cliff Karos

Wysłane przez on October 23, 2011

The wondrous rock erosion in the form of a huge scull. Cruising along the canal to theKarosMountainstakes one through diverse tourist attractions Viewed in the morning, the shadowy scull appears like a sad devil, while in the afternoon, with direct light, the scull looks like a smiling devil. Również, in the neighboring cliff, ghost-masks appear alongside the scull stone.

Najlepszy czas na wizytę : Pod koniec listopada do maja

Najlepszym okresem na dzień : Ranek 6.00 do 9.00 godzin. Afternoon, 15.00 do 17.00 godzin.

Jak się tam dostać : From Khuan O Pier, take a long-tailed boat to the mouth ofSaiCanal. The trip takes about 20 minuty.

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