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The Sun God Beads

Wysłane przez on October 23, 2011

The Glittering Cultural Heritage of Krabi

The ancient community of Krabi dated back no less the 30,000 years to prehistoric time. Khuan Luk Pat, the Mound of the Beads, presently located to the back ofWatKhlongThomMuseumis another important archeological site with evidence of the prosperous civilization in the area. The Sun God Bead is one of the rare beads of the world.

Najlepszy czas na wizytę : Przez cały rok

Najlepszym okresem na dzień : 9.00 do 16.30 godzin.

Jak się tam dostać : From Krabi, take Highway No.4 toKhlongThomDistrict. The watKhlongThomMuseum is about 1 kilometer from the District.

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