One in the Ten Best Dive Sites of the World
The beauty of the underwater world made up of plenty of red soft coral and red sea fan coral on underwater rock cliff about 60 метара висине. Недалеко је Хин Муанг, Пурпле Рок, са подводним литице 200 метара дужине, where numerous purple soft coral can be found. It is also an assembling point for large fish, especially the Manta Ray, and the whale shark. It is ranked as one in the ten best dive sites of the world.
Најбоље време за посету : December to April, with February to march as the prime period
Најбољи период дана : 10.00 to 13.00 hrs.
Како да стигнемо тамо : The most convenient point is Sala Dan Boat Landing, Lanta Yai lsland, a distance of about 75 kilometers, for a boat trip of about 3-4 hours.