Tagged With: 曼谷
This bridge was originally built with teak timber in the third reign. 在过去, Mon traders used to settle their boathouses in the area of the Mon Bridge. Nowadays, the timber structure was replaced by a concrete bridge after the teak timber burnt in 1910.
鹤装置提升或转换. 这个木桥的平台可以像交通艇荷兰桥被提升. 这种类型的桥初建于拉玛四世国王统治时期的过去晚 (1851-1868).
拉玛五世国王的寺庙建于 1869. 寺庙的布局设计得非常好. 一个突出的建筑特点是在大塔的底部的环形形柱廊. 此外,大楼的建筑表达了泰式和西式设计之间很好的结合.
这座寺庙拉玛四世国王统治时期建成. 其目的是为Dhammayutika阿含佛教. 寺庙的亮点是关于各地的十二个月皇家仪式和日食壁画.
裨困桥 & 猪纪念馆
This walkway bridge was built in 1911. The Queen Mother of King Rama VI granted the construction cost to commemorate her fourth cycle (48 year-old) birthday which fell on the Year of the Pig. Two years of the Pi Kun Bridge exist, the Pig Memorial was created in 1913 as a birthday present to Queen … 继续阅读