Stir-fry chicken thigh fillets in a pot until fragrant. Přidat 1 šálek kokosového mléka, kuřecí vývar míchat na mírném ohni. Použijte mírném ohni ohřát olej v pánvi nebo woku, a přidejte zelené kari pasty a zpěnit, dokud voňavé. Pour cup of coconut milk and continue to stir gently until well mixed. Transfer the curry paste mixture to a chicken broth pot. Add boiled potatoes, egg plant, small round green eggplant, and leave to cooked, then add the remaining coconut milk. Adjust the seasonings as desired using the fish sauce, sugar, kaffir lime leaves, spur chillies, sweet basil leaves. Leave until boiling.
- 1 lb.(450 g.) beef, cut into ½ in. x 2 in.(1cm. x 2.5 cm.) pieces
- 3 cups coconut milk
- 3 tablespoons vegetable oil
- ½ cups green curry paste
- ½ egg plant, chunks
- 1 potato, boiled, peeled, diced
- ½ cup small round green eggplant
- 4 leaves kaffir lime leaf, torn
- 5 green-red spur chillies, iagonally sliced
- 1 cup sweet basil leaf
- 2 tablespoons fish sauce
- 1 tablespoon palm sugar
- 1 ½ cups beef broth
Green Curry Paste
Grind all the ingredients until finely blended using a mortar or blender.
- ½ cup green hot chilli clipped
- ½ cup green spur chilli, clipped
- 2 tablespoons galangal root, sliced across finely
- 4 tablespoons lemon grass, sliced across finely
- 1 tablespoon kaffir lime rind, sliced finely
- 2 tablespoons coriander seed, roasted
- 1 tablespoon cumin, roasted, ground
- ½ tablespoon pepper
- 1 tablespoon shrimp paste
- 2 teaspoons salt
- 4 tablespoons peeled garlic, chopped
- 5 tablespoons peeled shallot, sliced