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Author Archives: 行政


The ldeal Lagoon for Canoeists Ko Hong features one in the ten best beaches of the world. 潟湖位於島北部, 由肥沃的淺水珊瑚礁額, 非常適合潛水. 岩石是從礁不遠處發現, as a prime dive site to the view繼續閱讀 »

分類: 奇蹟喀比 | 標籤: | 評論關閉 在 Pileh高虹


The only venue of two-water ecology in Thailand The prominent ecological system of the Pom Khlong SongNamis linked to the period of ebb and flow each day. 浪潮決定了兩個相鄰的森林生態系統, 和紅樹林鹹水區, 有豐富的生物多樣性,以滿足條件. Another amazing character is繼續閱讀 »

分類: 奇蹟喀比 | 標籤: | 評論關閉 在 塔雙響炮喀宋镎嘸


The Supreme Beauty of Sunset in the Outcrops The beach in the best environment in Krabi. During the day, the fine white sand beach is seen against the wide sea, with the beautiful outcrops in the background, andYaoNoiIslandat the far end. It is a heavenly beach for the naturalists. But not many know that in繼續閱讀 »

分類: 奇蹟喀比 | 標籤: | 評論關閉 在 塔省Khaek海灘


The Unique Setting Sun in the Sea At the far end of Laem Hang Nak on the route to the Royal Residence, you will findKhlongMuangBeachfacing the open sea with a great background. During the day, the vast beach is seen against the blue sky and the ocean, but in afternoon in Summer, the scene of繼續閱讀 »

分類: 奇蹟喀比 | 標籤: | 評論關閉 在 喀芒海灘


搖曳在樹梢清邁府. 儘管名稱, 遊客不完全從樹brachiate像真正的長臂猿樹. 儘管如此, 滑翔下來2公里長的拉鍊線掛了30米以上的熱帶叢林樹冠必須產生類似的感覺,通過搖擺的靈長類動物享受.   旅行始於 … 繼續閱讀 »

分類: 泰國綠色出行 | 標籤: | 評論關閉 在 長臂猿的飛行