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Author Archives: 行政


The Superb Canoeing Experience through Krabi Sea Caves Tham Lod Nuea, Tham Lod Tai, in Ao Luk District, Krabi Province, are regarded as the group of the most beautiful sea caves ever discovered in Krabi, with fantastic features formed by stalactites and stalagmites which allow adventurers to steer their canoes through meandering passages in an繼續閱讀 »

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Mysterious Traces of Prehistoric Humans in Cave Paintings Among prehistoric cave paintings found scattering on the cliffs and caves of Krabi Province, 譚披華佗內發現的那些, 大-斯卡爾魔鬼洞, 斑剝芹苴, Tambon Ao Luk Tai, 被認為最廣泛的, 在總共約一百, 假定可以追溯到 2,000 … 繼續閱讀 »

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Where Your Clapping Can Link With the Earth’s Force Underground Nam Phut Propmue is a small pool with simple appearance in Ban Tham Suea, Tambon Ao Luk Tai, located in an area pleasant with peat forest and currents. At close range, several sputtering water can be found, with pressure that can be felt by hands. … 繼續閱讀 »

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A Miraculous Natural Spa on the Beach Each month, 在退潮的高峰期, 在灘塗廣闊引起的地熱溫泉海灘出現在上午. 這天然溫泉就是當地居民帶來了當地的智慧,泰式按摩加熱成蒸汽浴室的竹床. Foot spa can be繼續閱讀 »

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The Best of Asia’s Beautiful Caves The most spectacular cave in Ao Luk District of Krabi Province, with unique characteristics. From the land cave, visitors can trek to another side and back through the adjacent twin cave. The beautiful stalagmites and stalactites can only be found in the land cave, through the 13 cavities of繼續閱讀 »

分類: 奇蹟喀比 | 標籤: | 評論關閉 在 Khlang洞