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The hidden giant TAK PROVINCE. A weekend at Thi Lo Su may make you come home drained of energy, but with piles of spectacular photos and fun memories. 遊客必須自行鋼從一開始就. The ‘Sky Highway 1090’ winds from Mae Sot to Umphang through a mountainous region inhabited by hill tribes. … 繼續閱讀 »

分類: 泰國綠色出行 | 標籤: | 評論關閉 在 蘆氏蘇瀑布


A geological feast PHRAE PROVINCE. 土井帕的Klong國家公園可能無法訪問最環保的地方. 那些做不會被鬱鬱蔥蔥的樹冠免受太陽, 和他們的皮膚將變得潮濕粘. The geography here is comprised mostly of limestone and dry evergreen forests of thorny trees繼續閱讀 »

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Botanist’s paradise NAN PROVINCE. Doi Phu Kha National Park is a great destination for those wanting to combine laid-back relaxation with moderate exploration of nature. Visitors will notice that the landscape has been groomed and altered to receive guests. That said, 這並不意味著他們不會得到內部性質的高劑量 … 繼續閱讀 »

分類: 泰國綠色出行 | 標籤: | 評論關閉 在 土井富KHA


蔣清邁府的守護神. 清道期間受到了媒體的風頭 2003, 當政府想出了一個計劃,以builzd纜車到峰值,以推動旅遊業. 該提議遭到了當地人和環保主義者前所未有的廣泛抗議. 幸好, 該計劃是不 … 繼續閱讀 »

分類: 泰國綠色出行 | 標籤: | 評論關閉 在 土井清道


The rooftop of Thailand CHIANG MAI PROVINCE. Here are a few of the many reasons why one should visit Doi Inthanon National Park: the eponymous peak is the highest in Thailand; 公園包括 1,274 plant species, 90 這是蘭花 (31 of which are found uniquely there); 而該地區是家庭 … 繼續閱讀 »

分類: 泰國綠色出行 | 評論關閉 在 茵他儂