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發表者 十月 23, 2011

The Puzzle of the Cave and the Fascination of Glittering Flakes

TheDiamondCave, the cave is home to tiny cave worms that dwell in the dark and weave their webs on the cave wall to catch insects as food. The tiny webs when looked against the light appear like diamond chain. The miracle is in the depth of the cave with the stalagmite and stalactite forming a holy Bodhi tree in the cavity resembling a heart.

最佳遊覽時間 : 所有通過一年

當天的最佳時期 : 9.00 至 16.00 小時.

到那裡怎麼走 : From Ao Luk intersection onPhetchakasem Road,use Highway No.4 towardsKrabiProvince,going for about 2 Kilometers and turn left for another 4.5 kilometers to Tham Phet Monk Residence.
