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發表者 十月 23, 2011

The Supreme Beauty of Sunset in the Outcrops

The beach in the best environment in Krabi. During the day, the fine white sand beach is seen against the wide sea, with the beautiful outcrops in the background, andYaoNoiIslandat the far end. It is a heavenly beach for the naturalists. But not many know that in the late afternoon, the sunset atThapKhaekBeachis magnificent with the sunset glow against the outcrops in the ocean.

最佳遊覽時間 : Late November to Aprill

當天的最佳時期 : 18.00 至 19.00 小時.

到那裡怎麼走 : FromKrabiTown, 使用無公路. 4034 to Ban Nong Thale, turning left towards the Palace three-way junction, and taking the right turn pastKhlongMuangBeach toThapKhaekBeach, a total distance of 24 公里.
