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The Mangrove Forest in front of Krabi Town

發表者 十月 23, 2011

A World-class Wetland Not to be Missed

A World-Class Wetland Not to be Missed. In Thailand, the recognized world wetland areas of the Ramsar sites are few, including the mangrove area in front of the city area of Krabi, covering more than 100,000 rai up to Si Bo Ya Island. This is the world’s 1,100 Important Wetland Area.

最佳遊覽時間 : 所有通過一年

當天的最佳時期 : 早上 6.00 至 9.00 hrs.Afternoon. 15.00 至 17.00 小時.

到那裡怎麼走 : A tour boat can be hired for a cruise throuhh the mangove forest from Khao KhanapNam and Klang lsland, to Ban Taling Chan,at Chao Fa Pier, 成本核算 250-300 bath per hour.
